How can I get a list of terms separated by comma from a taxonomy field?
I’m actually getting the taxonomy field from a taxonomy term and wish to get each terms’ slug from the taxonomy field.
So far, I’ve got
$filters = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => 'filters',
'hide_empty' => false,
'orderby' => 'term_id',
) );
foreach($filters as $filter):
$filter_taxonomy = $filter->taxonomy;
$filter_id = $filter->term_id;
$filter_fields = get_field('filter-fields', $filter_taxonomy . '_' . $filter_id);
I only need help “extracting” the terms’ slugs from the $filter_fields array and displaying them in a simple array separated by commas.
UPDATE: And I would also like to be able to add the terms’ slugs as classes in a div.
foreach($filters as $filter):
$filter_fields = get_field('filter-fields', $filter);
if( $filter_fields ):
$filter_fields_slugs = array_column($filter_fields, 'slug');
$data_filter_slugs = implode(', ', $filter_fields_slugs);