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How to display the value from the latest post id in the widget

  • Normally have to add p=.. the id of the post
    I would like to remove p=.. and the id of post will be the latest post id.
    Just display in the widget.
    Thank you.

  • Hi @ayeweb

    Thanks for the post.

    I am not sure I have clearly understood this use case, but I would like to point that you can target anh ACF value from the $_POST data like so:

    $value = $_POST['acf']['field_key'];

  • @James @acf-support
    My shortcode in widget is:
    [acf field=p1 post_id=1277]

    And i have to change 1277 to the new post id every day.
    I would like to remove them and it will be like:
    [acf field=p1]
    For get the latest post id, then i will not change the new post id every day.
    But it not show anything.

    Thank you.

  • Hi @ayeweb

    That’s because the shortcode is trying to get the global $post variable on your site, which doesn’t have the correct post ID if you put it in a widget.

    In this case, you need to modify the template where you show the widget (usually sidebar) and show the data manually like this:

    // get the latest post
    $latest_posts = get_posts("post_type=post&numberposts=1");
    // show the custom field
    echo the_field('p1', $latest_posts[0]->ID);

    This page should give you more idea about it:

    I hope this makes sense 🙂

  • OH, This is the nice one it’s work!.

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