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How to display clone fields in flexible content of one clone field group?

  • I have a group of fields called ‘ELEMENTS’ (type image, video, text).
    And I created another group called ‘Flexible Content Blocks’ in which I am using ‘Flexible content’, inside I have the field ‘container-rows’ also of type ‘Flexible content’ and again inside I have the fields ‘Col-6’ and Col- 8, in each of them I have the field ‘ITEMS’ which is where I have cloned the group of ‘ELEMENTS’ that I had already created before.
    The question I have is how to display the content of those ‘Items’ that I have chosen?

    I created the group ‘ELEMENTS’ because when I need to add a new item (a button for example), I just have to add it to the group and it can be chosen from any field where it is cloned.
    I have no idea how to display the content, I can display them but if each of the elements (image, video, text) is directly created in ‘Col-6’ and ‘Col-8’, but if I need another element, I will have to create in both and I think that’s not efficient. please I need help…

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