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How to create archive page of ACF fields

  • I have datasheets for each of my products, linked using an ACF Link field. I would like to create a ‘Datasheets’ page, which would be an archive of these ACF datasheet links. How might I go about creating this?

  • I can’t give you specifics, only a general idea.

    First you need to create a new rewrite rule in WP, for example if you want to have something like The rewrite rule would be almost identical to the existing rule for the product and it would load the same template You’d also need to add a variable for “datasheets” so that you can check it later.

    The rewrite rule would look something like (and this is only a guess):


    documentation for adding the query_var can be found here

    Then, in the single product template file you’d need to check for the value, something like this

    $datasheets = intval(get_query_var('datasheets', 0));
    if ($datasheets) {
      // show the datasheets
    } else {
      // show something else
  • Thanks, I’ll give this a shot.

  • Are you looking for a simple page or you want something in the page that could offer you functionalities of a datasheet

  • I want to build a page that dynamically populates with links to all my products’ datasheets. So if I add a new product, and assign it a link to a new datasheet, I want this page to automatically add a link to this new datasheet.

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