I inherited a wp site that uses ACF, I’m not super technical but if someone provides me some code, I’m not afraid to use it :).
The site (www.asphaltcolor.com) uses 3 tabs to describe their 3 products. I added the 3rd tab but I’d like to change the color of the font. I cannot figure out how to do that. On the webpage itself, there is no place for me to indicate font color. Do I need to add a new field in the custom fields area? It is set up as a text field and field table and field name are both “Title” but no other fields are filled out. How does wp know what style font to use?
The color of the tab would have to do with the HTML and CSS of the theme you are using not the ACF field in question. if you look at line 1622 of your style sheet you will see how the developer changed the color of the second tab.