I’m using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to display a variety of custom fields underneath posts. It greatly adds to my website but I’m having a problem with another thing I want to do with Advanced Custom Fields.
My homepage is built with the JoomlaXTC widget called XTC Newspro widget. That widgets builds the homepage using {tags} and I want to use a custom field in one of those tags. Here is an example of how the current excerpt is called: <p class="newsitemintro" style="height:80px;">{excerpt}</p>
I thought I could just replace “excerpt” with the name of my custom field but that is not working. Can anyone help me out on getting this to work?
Thanks in advance,
Hi @buiserik
This question would be better asked to the developer of the “JoomlaXTC widget” plugin.
I’m sure they have thought of a way to load in custom field data