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How to access user data inside a repeater loop

  • I have a repeater field on a post called ‘episode_staff’.

    Within this field, there is a sub field called ‘episode_staff_member’.

    The subfield is a user field type.

    So I add an ‘episode_staff’ field and then select a user in the episode_staff_member subfield. Each of those users has custom fields assigned to them, like ‘twitter_username’. I want to get the values of those custom fields.

    Here is the code I have now, which prints the name of the user but I can’t get any of the custom fields to display.

                if( have_rows('episode_staff') ):
                while ( have_rows('episode_staff') ) : the_row(); 
                $user = get_sub_field('episode_staff_member');
                <div class="masthead-single">
                  <?php foreach ($user as $user): ?>
                  <h4 class="masthead-name"><?php echo get_user_meta($user, 'first_name', true) ?> <?php echo get_user_meta($user, 'last_name', true) ?></h4>    
                  <div class="masthead-title"><?php echo get_sub_field('twitter_username', $user) ?></div>          
                  <?php endforeach; ?>
                <?php endwhile;
              endif; ?>

    Any tips?

  • Hi @taylorscollon

    I believe you can get the user ID by using this code:

    $user_id = $user->ID

    With that user ID, you can get the custom field attached to a user. Please take a look at this page to learn more about it:

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi @acf_support — thanks for the reply.

    I changed my code to this, but still no luck:

                if( have_rows('episode_staff') ):
                while ( have_rows('episode_staff') ) : the_row(); 
                $user = get_sub_field('episode_staff_member');
                <div class="masthead-single">
                  <?php foreach ($user as $user):
                  $user_id = $user->ID ?>
                  <h4 class="masthead-name"><?php echo get_user_meta($user, 'first_name', true) ?> <?php echo get_user_meta($user, 'last_name', true) ?></h4>    
                  <div class="masthead-title"><?php echo get_sub_field('twitter_username', 'user' . $user_id) ?>
                  <?php endforeach; ?>
                <?php endwhile;
              endif; ?>

    I believe it is a problem with the loop, as the foreach loop is cycling through 10 times and there are only 2 episode_staff rows…

  • Okay, never mind. I figured it out. Here is my working code in case anyone has a similar problem.

                if( have_rows('episode_staff') ):
                while ( have_rows('episode_staff') ) : the_row(); 
                $user_id = get_sub_field('episode_staff_member')[ID];
                <div class="masthead-single">
                  <h4 class="masthead-name"><?php echo get_sub_field('episode_staff_member')['user_firstname'] ?> <?php echo get_sub_field('episode_staff_member')['user_lastname'] ?></h4>
                    <li><?php echo get_sub_field('episode_staff_member')['user_email'] ?></li>
                    <li><?php echo get_field('twitter_username', 'user_'. $user_id) ?></li>
                <?php endwhile;
              endif; ?>
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