In a field I have 2 images. How can I find the uri and the names of the images?
If you have a field group with two image fields – let’s label them First Image and Second Image, with field names first_image and second_image. Make sure that the Return Value is Image Object.
$image1 = get_field('first_image');
echo $image1['title'];
echo $image1['url'];
$image2 = get_field('second_image');
echo $image2['title'];
echo $image2['url'];
You can see all the information in the image object using var_dump($image1);
I have 1 field with 2 images. I do not want to create a field for each image, because the number of images can be changed by the customer.
How can I get the URI en names of the images?
How do you have two images in a single field? Are you using a repeater field?
Yes ik have 2 images in a single field and the images are under each other.
I am not using a repeater field.