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How does ACF not have a Tags field type?

  • I find this kind of surprising. Doesn’t seem to me that the tag field type would be much different than Taxonomy. I really need open tagging for my project so I may have to write my own add-on.

  • Why not just use the taxonomy field?

  • From my understanding, Tag’s and Taxonomy+Terms are very similar other than a Taxonomies ability to be hierarchical. I’m building a custom post type with a front end form for creating new posts. In the form I intend to allow choosing category(s) and adding tags. On the archive for this post type I want to list all of the categories for easy filtering. I don’t want that category list to be cluttered with every tag ever used. I feel they should be separate types of meta-data. Is there a way I can pull that off using just the Taxonomy field type?

  • I think you may be misunderstanding taxonomies. Both the tags and the categories built into WP are both taxonomies. A taxonomy can either be hierarchical like categories or not like tags. So you can create two different custom taxonomies for your custom post type.

  • Ooooh! I get it now. I’ll just create a non-hierarchical taxonomy and offer that as my open tag field. Thanks!

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