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How do you unlock ACF plugin

  • Hi Guys, just thought someone out there may be able to help with unlocking an advanced custom fields plugin.
    We had a guy who was working on our website but left and would not unlock the plugin to ACF so we now cannot open and re-adjust content or modify it any offers of help would be most helpful.

    best regards


  • If you mean you can’t see the Custom Fields area in the menu, I would look in your theme’s functions.php file or search your theme code to see if you see a line that looks like this:

    add_filter('acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false');

    This removes Custom Fields from the nav. But it shouldn’t block you from updating content or anything. All the custom fields menu item does is hide the admin area to modify field groups and fields within them. Not sure if that’s the issue.

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