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How do you add ACF custom fields to Post Add/Edit screen?

  • Hello. My coding experience is somewhat limited, so kindly bear with me as I try to explain my scenario.

    Note that I’m using the ACF Free version at the time of this post. It’s not clear whether I can achieve what I’m looking for with this version or whether an upgrade to Pro is needed. Kindly review the scenario and advise whether this can be achieved with the free version. If not, we’ll need to upgrade.

    I have created a field group that collects the following:
    format: PDF or YouTube video (select one or the other) as we occasionally embed these in our posts

    if format is a PDF, we’re asking for:
    filesize: numberic field, with “MB” appended after
    number of pages: numeric fiel

    if format is a YouTube video, we’re asking for:
    length: text area, limited to 8 chars for hh:mm:ss

    My question is this:
    The conditional logic is already built in, and the above-named fields are part of a field group called “post-media-data”, with location rules as follows:

    set rule to: Post Taxonomy if Category is equal to x OR … OR … etc.

    I’m having trouble now figuring out:
    how to add these field groups to the add new post/edit post edit screens and, subsequently, when displaying the post lists for a particular category. The intention is to allow users to see resources related to the content page (e.g., Learning about bafflegab, What is Gobbledygook, What you can do about Doublespeak):

    A list of related resources might looks like this:

      – Q&A with an expert (YouTube vidwo; 43:14)
      – Webinar presentation (YouTue video: 29:42)
      – Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 4MB, 8pages)
      – Annual report—English (PDF, 3MB, 32 pages)
      – Annual report—Gibberish (PDF, 2MB 36 pages)

    Each of these would link to the associated post with the corresponding media embedded in the conded as is the usual way with WordPress block editor.

    Also, in which files would the PHP codes generated need to go?

    I hope this is clear. I’d like contributors to have an easy method of entering this data when modifying the posts. As they may be staff or volunteers with very limited knowledge, I’d like the interface for Add/Edit post to be as intuitive as possible.

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