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How do I populate one custom field with the user input from another?

  • Hi, I’m using the ACD oEmbed field for users to input a media link, like a YouTube url. I’m using Elementor’s page builder as well to select these fields as dynamic ones, and building a post display using them.
    However Elementor doesn’t let me input the oEmbed entry into normal link places in objects. So, when I want to return the YouTube/other oEmbed url somewhere else as a link, I can’t.

    I tried doing this:

    function my_acf_save_post( $post_id ) {
    $oembedurl = get_field('field_5f70e880548c4');
    update_field( 'field_5f70e8805493a', $oembedurl );

    Which technically works except that it’s updating the field with the full iframe embed code, and not just the url the user input.

    Is there a way for me to get the url the user entered added to this new field?

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