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How Create Repeater Function

  • Hi,

    I’m not great at creating functions, especially for the repeater field.

    I have a repeater field named “myPresto_player”
    with 2 text sub_fields: “presto_time” and “presto_topic”

    Here is code the Presto Player developer advised I used to display the videos timestamp & optional content:

    $timestamp = get_field('timestamp_field');
    $optional_text = get_field('optional_text_field');
    echo do_shortcode ('[pptime time="' . esc_attr($timestamp) . '"]' . esc_html($optional_text) . '[/pptime]');

    Here is the function I have written for a repeater field using the above code:

    function display_presto_content() {
    	if( have_rows('my_presto_player') ):
        while( have_rows('my_presto_player') ) : the_row();
        $timestamp = get_sub_field('presto_time');
        $optional_text = get_sub_field('presto_topic');
        if (!empty($timestamp)) {
            // Build the shortcode with the timestamp and optional text
            $shortcode = '[pptime time="' . esc_attr($timestamp) . '"]' . esc_html($optional_text) . '[/pptime]';
            echo do_shortcode($shortcode);

    First off, I’m not sure I have written the function correctly. Also, I’m not sure how to display the fields in a post.

    Would greatly appreciate help with this.

  • Continuing from your other post:

    add_shortcode('showpptime', 'display_presto_content');
    function display_presto_content($atts=array, $content='') {
      $value = '';
      if( have_rows('my_presto_player') ):
        while( have_rows('my_presto_player') ) : the_row();
        $timestamp = get_sub_field('presto_time');
        $optional_text = get_sub_field('presto_topic');
        if (!empty($timestamp)) {
            // Build the shortcode with the timestamp and optional text
            $shortcode = '[pptime time="' . esc_attr($timestamp) . '"]' . esc_html($optional_text) . '[/pptime]';
            $value .= do_shortcode($shortcode);
      return $value;
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