I was going to build a sort of page builder using the flexible content feature. I thought it would be cool to hide the content area when it appears.
And I was shocked because when I changed page template, it disappeared as expected! Woohoo!
But then if I changed back, the content didn’t reappear.
Here’s short video to demonstrate: http://gfycat.com/UnitedZigzagAlbino
That’s interesting. I’m getting the same result. There are also some other oddities. For example if you select other things to be hidden when your custom field group is shown like Excerpt, Revisions, Discussion, etc. If these are shown when you change templates they will not be hidden.
However, if you change templates and save the post then everything displays properly again.
I also have a problem with the “Hide on screen” settings “Content Editor” and “Page Attributes”. If I linked fields group to a specific page, it work as expected. But if this specific page as a parent, the “Content Editor” and “Page Attributes” are shown even if I checked them in “Hide to screen” settings.
I have the version 5.3.1 and my fields group contain a repeater field, if it can help.
Thanks! 🙂
Yes, this does seem to be a problem. For now you can work around the issue by saving the post. Hopefully the developer will be able to look at this soon. I don’t know much he has to do.