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Help copy nested ACF Flexible Content row from one page to another

  • I have two pages that are location for the same flexible content group. The group consists of a flexible content field that contains a repeater which contains another flexible content. And I want to copy a row from this last nested flexible content, to the corresponding flexible content in the other page.

    This is the code I have so far, but is not working.
    With this function I get the fields structure:

    function kb_update_elements_target($post_id, $flexibleContent) {
      $rows = array();
          if (have_rows($flexibleContent, $post_id)) {
              while (have_rows($flexibleContent, $post_id)) { 
                  $rows[] = the_row();
                  if ( get_row_layout() == 'layout_hero' ) {
                    if (have_rows('hero_row', $post_id)) {
                      while ( have_rows( 'hero_row', $post_id ) ) {
                        if ( have_rows( 'hero_elements', $post_id ) ) {
                          while ( have_rows( 'hero_elements', $post_id ) ) {
                            if ( get_row_layout() == 'heading_element' ) {
                              get_sub_field( 'heading', $post_id );
          return $rows;

    Then another function that is called through ajax get this data and updates the target page flexible content field:

    $templateSection = kb_update_elements_target($sectionTemplateID, 'flexible_sections');
    $pageContent = kb_update_elements_target($currentPageID, 'flexible_sections');
    array_splice( $pageContent, 0, 0, $templateSection );
    update_field( 'flexible_sections', $pageContent, $currentPageID );

    But is not working, I can’t add the nested flexible content row in the Template into the corresponding field on the target page. Could someone point me in the right direction?
    Thank you.

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