Home › Forums › Add-ons › Flexible Content Field › have_rows is returning false
I’m using ACF and Algolia, it seems to do what I’m expecting, except for one thing :
the have_rows is returning false even tho there are rows, as you can see, as it doesn’t pass the have_rows : true, it goes to the false statement where I assign the field ($blockContentField) to $pageContent and then $pageContent is sent to algolia. I’m checking algolia and there is content. Not sure why have_rows return false at first place, it should be true.
I have seen other posts on the forum talking about this issue, but none with a real fixe at least none are working in my case. I’m using the flexible content and in the doc it says clearly to use have_rows.
Thank you
function algolia_post_to_record(WP_Post $post) {
$tags = array_map(function (WP_Term $term) {
return $term->name;
}, wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'tags'));
$fields = array_map(function (WP_Term $term) {
return $term->name;
}, wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'field'));
$sectors = array_map(function (WP_Term $term) {
return $term->name;
}, wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'sector'));
$pageContent = '';
$blockContentField = get_field('content_block', $post->ID );
if( have_rows($blockContentField) ):
$pageContent = 'item';
else :
// no rows found
$pageContent = $blockContentField;
return [
'objectID' => implode('#', [$post->post_type, $post->ID]),
'title' => $post->post_title,
'author' => [
'id' => $post->post_author,
'name' => get_user_by('ID', $post->post_author)->display_name,
'excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt,
'content' => strip_tags($post->post_content),
'tags' => $tags,
'fields' => $fields,
'sectors' => $sectors,
'url' => get_post_permalink($post->ID),
// 'pageContent' => get_field('content_block', $post->ID ),
'pageContent' => $pageContent,
add_filter('post_to_record', 'algolia_post_to_record');
I’m using last version of ACF
have_rows() is looking for a field name. You are using the return array of the field instead.
// use this
if (have_rows('content_block', $post->ID)):
// or this
if (!empty($blockContentField)):
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