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handle JSON response for shortcode

  • Hi,

    I am here for specific request to handle REST API JSON response having shortcode like below.

    "acf": {
                "components": false,
                "shortcode": "[xyz-shortcode slug=\"utoo\"]"

    Now I am able to handle short code data using below code.

    add_shortcode('xyz-shortcode', array($this,'getXYZBlock')); 
    function getXYZBlock($attr)
      return 'TEST DATA PRINT';

    It will result

    "acf": {
                "components": false,
                "shortcode": "TEST DATA PRINT"

    BUT I need to return json data into that function like below where I an having difficulty.

    add_shortcode('xyz-shortcode', array($this,'getXYZBlock')); 
    function getXYZBlock($attr)
     return $array;

    SO I need output like

    "acf": {
                "components": false,
                "shortcode": { "code" : "ok" }

    How can I do that can any one help me.

    Thank You for your support.

    return json_encode($array);
  • Thank You For response.

    No it will not solved my problem. I have already try that json_encode($array) but it will return like

    "acf": {
                "components": false,
                "shortcode": "{\"code\":\"ok\"}"

    but I need output like

    "acf": {
                "components": false,
                "shortcode": { "code" : "ok" }


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