When searching for this issue I stumbled upon this old topic which hasn’t seen a recent reply/update.
Some updates later the Gutenberg editor is still visible even when it should be hidden as setup at the field settings. The only way to hide it it so use the ‘Classic editor’ plugin. But this also disables the Gutenberg editor…
Is there a fix for this issue planned?
This is one of the things that the developer is working on, but as of now, no, there isn’t a fix. As far as I know there has been a request made that WP supply some way to do this but that has not happened. Beyond this you’d need to talk to the developer. You can see a full list of issues here https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/12692
Thanks John for your reply and the GitHub link with all the issues. Wasn’t aware of the list.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon in core.
I wouldn’t hold my breath 😉
Haha me neither but fingers crossed.