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Google Map: Oops! Something went wrong.

  • Hi everyone,

    After attempting most of the instructions found in this forum and around the web, I decided to bring up this issue myself.

    I am using the Google Maps API along with the ACF free plugin in my wordpress site. It works find in the backend, however I keep getting this error in the front end everytime the page loads. It displays in the beginning. But after the page completely loads. I get the grey background with the exclamation mark.

    I have two errors in the console:

    1) You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.

    2) Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

    I have generated the API key 5 times already and cannot find out what is causing the issue.

    Also map.js is loaded only once in the site. Can anybody tell me why this is happening?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Adding the reference link below:


    Thanks and Regards,

    David Noronha

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