Hello everybody,
I followed step by step documentation to display my Google map field :https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/google-map/
I don’t understant why, on front I see a marker but the marker isn’t at the same position as on the back and when i update the adress, market doesn’t move to another position…
Any help appeciated.
All the best.
Hello I don’t know why problem comes from CPTUI, if I code by myself the custom post type all works like a charm, but with CPTUI it doesn’t work…
I have the same problem. Using functions.php to define custom post (code from CPTUI) doesn’t solve problem in my case :(. All plugins disabled except ACF – markers are still on wrong positions (distance to good position is not the same in each marker).
@Trint33 did you use php from CPTUI or something else?
Hello epoka,
here is my php code to register my custom post type I used.
Even if my function name is cptui_register_my_cpts, I started from scratch a new php code:
Strings are in french ;-).
function cptui_register_my_cpts() {
$labels = array(
"name" => __( 'Adhérents', '' ),
"singular_name" => __( 'Adhérent', '' ),
"menu_name" => __( 'Adhérents', '' ),
"all_items" => __( 'Tous les adhérents', '' ),
"add_new" => __( 'Ajouter un adhérent', '' ),
"add_new_item" => __( 'Ajouter un nouvel adhérent', '' ),
"edit_item" => __( 'Éditer un adhérent', '' ),
"new_item" => __( 'Nouvel adhérent', '' ),
"view_item" => __( 'Voir adhérent', '' ),
"view_items" => __( 'Voir les adhérents', '' ),
"search_items" => __( 'Rechercher un adhérent', '' ),
"not_found" => __( 'Aucun adhérent trouvé', '' ),
"not_found_in_trash" => __( 'Aucun adhérent trouvé dans la corbeille', '' ),
"featured_image" => __( 'Image à la une', '' ),
"set_featured_image" => __( 'Choisir image à la une', '' ),
"remove_featured_image" => __( 'Supprimer image à la une', '' ),
"use_featured_image" => __( 'Utiliser comme image à la une', '' ),
$args = array(
"label" => __( 'Adhérents', '' ),
"labels" => $labels,
"description" => "Nos adhérents",
"public" => true,
"publicly_queryable" => true,
"show_ui" => true,
"show_in_rest" => false,
"rest_base" => "",
"has_archive" => "adherents",
"show_in_menu" => true,
"exclude_from_search" => false,
"capability_type" => "post",
"map_meta_cap" => true,
"hierarchical" => false,
"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "adherents", "with_front" => false ),
"query_var" => true,
"supports" => array( "title", "editor", "thumbnail" ),
'menu_position' => 20,
"menu_icon" => "dashicons-groups",
register_post_type( "adherents", $args );
add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_cpts' );
I really hope it will work for you.
Keep me in touch.
All the best.
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