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Google Map Field – Tooltip for Directions

  • Hi @elliot,

    I am using the Google Maps Field to show up a map location on a page, I am getting the location pointer in the map already, I need to show up a tooltip having a directions link too! … There is no option for that, can you guide me if there exist any option already or if not, please consider it as a feature request!

    Below is my current code for the map …

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    *  render_map
    *  This function will render a Google Map onto the selected jQuery element
    *  @type	function
    *  @date	8/11/2013
    *  @since	4.3.0
    *  @param	$el (jQuery element)
    *  @return	n/a
    function render_map( $el ) {
    	// var
    	var $markers = $el.find('.marker');
    	// vars
    	var args = {
    		zoom		: 16,
    		center		: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
    		mapTypeId	: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
    	// create map	        	
    	var map = new google.maps.Map( $el[0], args);
    	// add a markers reference
    	map.markers = [];
    	// add markers
        	add_marker( $(this), map );
    	// center map
    	center_map( map );
    *  add_marker
    *  This function will add a marker to the selected Google Map
    *  @type	function
    *  @date	8/11/2013
    *  @since	4.3.0
    *  @param	$marker (jQuery element)
    *  @param	map (Google Map object)
    *  @return	n/a
    function add_marker( $marker, map ) {
    	// var
    	var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng( $marker.attr('data-lat'), $marker.attr('data-lng') );
    	// create marker
    	var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    		position	: latlng,
    		map			: map
    	// add to array
    	map.markers.push( marker );
    	// if marker contains HTML, add it to an infoWindow
    	if( $marker.html() )
    		// create info window
    		var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    			content		: $marker.html()
    		// show info window when marker is clicked
    		google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
    map, marker );
    *  center_map
    *  This function will center the map, showing all markers attached to this map
    *  @type	function
    *  @date	8/11/2013
    *  @since	4.3.0
    *  @param	map (Google Map object)
    *  @return	n/a
    function center_map( map ) {
    	// vars
    	var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
    	// loop through all markers and create bounds
    	$.each( map.markers, function( i, marker ){
    		var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, marker.position.lng() );
    		bounds.extend( latlng );
    	// only 1 marker?
    	if( map.markers.length == 1 )
    		// set center of map
    	    map.setCenter( bounds.getCenter() );
    	    map.setZoom( 16 );
    		// fit to bounds
    		map.fitBounds( bounds );
    *  document ready
    *  This function will render each map when the document is ready (page has loaded)
    *  @type	function
    *  @date	8/11/2013
    *  @since	5.0.0
    *  @param	n/a
    *  @return	n/a
    		render_map( $(this) );
    <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    	<div class="entry-content site-main">
    		<div class="details content-box-no-border">
    			$location = get_field('location');
    			if( !empty($location) ):
    				<div class="acf-map push-left">
    					<div class="marker" data-lat="<?php echo $location['lat']; ?>" data-lng="<?php echo $location['lng']; ?>"></div>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    	</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    </article><!-- #post-## -->
  • add content in the marker div to show up in the tooltip .. my bad!

    <div class=”marker” data-lat=”<?php echo $location[‘lat’]; ?>” data-lng=”<?php echo $location[‘lng’]; ?>”>


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