I’m having an issue with google maps in the admin. My API key has been added as described in the map field docs, and the maps display correctly in both the front and back end, but only when trying to add an address do I get the error shown in the screenshot indicating that there’s an issue with the API key or Google account, though both appear to be fine.
I see that someone else had the same issue and it was solved but the answer is private.
Does anyone have any fixes for this?
I was just having this same issue, the fix for me was enabling the Places Api in the Google Developers Console.
Thanks whiteunicorn, that fixed the issue right away. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer!
Devs, perhaps the docs for the Map field should be updated with this fix?
Thanks again.
Hello friends! I have solved my problem. You need activate your api keys for Google Maps on Google Cloud Plataform: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/user-guide/pricing-changes/?apis=maps,routes,places
After activate will be generate a API Key, and you can use it on the ACF Pro. I solved my problem this way.
I also had this problem: I could not enter an address in the map field. I tried enabling the Places API but that didn’t help. To make it work, I had to enable the Geocoding API in my Google Cloud Platform project. THAT solved the problem for me.
I found this helpful: