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GF User Registration and ACF Repeater

  • I am curious if this is a support question or something for the form but I will try my luck with both.

    So I’ve enabled User Registration Gravity Form Add-on and I want a certain section to be added to a repeater field upon user registration/form submission.

    In my functions I created this

    add_action( 'gform_after_submission_6', 'set_post_content', 10, 2 );
    function set_post_content( $entry, $form ) {
        //getting post
        $post = get_post( $entry['post_id'] );
        //change the 4 to your gravity form field number
        $caryear = rgar( $entry, '21' );
    	#add the row to the repeater
    	$row = array(
    		'field_5aff6ca2a2def'	=> $caryear #this is your repeater subfield key
    	$i = add_row('field_5ac6602d483d7', $row, $post_id->ID); #this is the main repeater key

    I’ve tried numerous of times but it does not work at all. I am very much stuck and don’t know if I missed something. Any help would be amazing!

  • I also tried this as well

    add_action( 'gform_user_registered_6', 'car_regs', 10, 3 );
    function car_reg( $user_id, $feed, $entry ) {
        $user = new WP_User( $user_id );
    	$userid = 'user_'.$user;
    	$caryear = rgar( $entry, '21' );
    	$post = get_post( $entry['post_id'] );
    	#add the row to the repeater
    	$row = array(
    		'field_5aff6ca2a2def'	=> $caryear #this is your repeater subfield key
    	$i = add_row('field_5ac6602d483d7', $row, $userid); #this is the main repeater key

    For more context of what I am trying to do is upon user registration(Form Submission), it adds an entry to their repeater form that is attached to their profile.

    I don’t know exactly what I am doing but as mentioned any help would be amazing!

  • I was able to figure out the solution. Turns out I need to hook it to a gravity forms registered hook, look up the user by user email, then get user id that way since, getting the user ID without referencing something to look up will returned nulled.

    here is my updated function for anyone that cares.
    add_action( ‘gform_user_registered’, ‘add_custom_user_meta’, 10, 4 );
    function add_custom_user_meta( $user_id, $feed, $entry, $user_pass ) {
    $email = rgar( $entry, ‘3’ );

    $user = get_user_by( ’email’, $email );
    $userID = $user->ID;
    $userACF = ‘user_’.$userID;

    $post = get_post( $entry[‘post_id’] );
    $caryear = rgar( $entry, ‘7’ );

    $row = array(
    ‘field_5aff6ca2a2def’ => $caryear #this is your repeater subfield key
    add_row(‘field_5ac6602d483d7’, $row, $userACF); #this is the main repeater key

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