Hi, New to ACF and have made a field group called customer_additional_info with a text field called customer_display_name. This works on the taxonomy Customer that I have created, and the fields are displayed and data entered is saved.
However, I have a shortcode that uses SQL to gather names and info about each Company and display it in a list. I am able to get all the standard info about the Company, but not the ADF fields.
function gci_list_members()
global $wpdb;
$members_list = $wpdb->get_results(
“SELECT * FROM wp_term_taxonomy as tx, wp_terms as tr, wp_termmeta as tm
WHERE tx.taxonomy = ‘companies’ AND
tr.term_id = tx.term_id AND
tm.term_id = tx.term_id AND
tm.meta_key = ‘membership_type’ AND
(tm.meta_value != ‘Draft’ AND tm.meta_value != ‘Inactive’) AND
(tm.meta_value = ‘Adopter Company’ OR tm.meta_value = ‘FULL Member Company’ OR
tm.meta_value = ‘Tools Member’)
ORDER BY name ASC”);
$terms = get_terms( array(
‘taxonomy’ => ‘companies’,
‘hide_empty’ => false
) );
for ($k=0; $k < count($members_list); $k++)
// get the member ID
$loop_member_id = $members_list[$k]->term_id;
// get the company_display_name
$company_display_name = get_field(‘company_display_name’);
// get the member type
$loop_member_type_value = $members_list[$k]->meta_value;
} // end for loop
I have removed the bulk of the HTLM in the php above, but basically, it loops through and displays the 30 companies but the $company_display_name ends up being blank.
How do I find this value?