Currently I am able to correctly display the VALUES just fine, but I can’t seem to pull the LABELS of my selection list items.
Here is my current code:
if( get_field('degrees', $post->ID) ) {
while ( have_rows('degrees', $post->ID) ) : the_row();
$select = get_sub_field_object('degree_select', $post->ID);
$value = $select['value'];
$listinfo .= ', ' . $value . '';
In my repeater selection list I have values written like:
So there is a VALUE and LABEL. The LABEL being the short acronym like Ph.D.
In the repeater, I have things organized like this:
If I change my code to pull the LABEL instead of VALUE it just repeats the column title of “Degree Selection” over and over again and does not give me the actual selection label of Ph.D. for example.
How can I fix this issue so that I display the LABEL (Ph.D) and not the VALUE (Doctor of Philosophy)?
I was able to resolve this issue by creating an array and then targeting the array column of LABEL.
if( get_field('degrees', $post->ID) ) {
while ( have_rows('degrees', $post->ID) ) : the_row();
$showDegree = array();
$showDegree[] = get_sub_field('degree_select');
$foo = implode(', ', array_column($showDegree, 'label'));
$listinfo .= ', ' . $foo . '';