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get_field is not retuning values

  • Hi, I’m new to wordpress 3.5

    Basically I want to display the select box so admin can select the option while creating or editing a category to display the category in front page with image or not.

    I use advanced custom plugin to add a select box in categories page.
    I created a custom field group of display with

    field label : Select to display
    field name : select_to_display_
    field type : Select
    options : no,yes
    location rules : Taxonomy term add/edit equal to categories.

    As soon as I create the custom field the values are stored in db of wp_postmeta table as

    meta_key:field key value
    meta_value:a:12:{s:3:”key”;s:19:”field_51d53f2ed1236″;s:5:”label”;s:17:”Select to display”;s:4:”name”;s:18:”select_to_display_”;s:4:”type”;s:6:”select”;s:12:”instructions”;s:0:””;s:8:”required”;s:1:”0″;s:7:”choices”;a:2:{s:2:”NO”;s:2:”NO”;s:3:”YES”;s:3:”YES”;}s:13:”default_value”;s:0:””;s:10:”allow_null”;s:1:”0″;s:8:”multiple”;s:1:”0″;s:17:”conditional_logic”;a:3:{s:6:”status”;s:1:”0″;s:5:”rules”;a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:5:”field”;s:19:”field_51d53f2ed1236″;s:8:”operator”;s:2:”==”;s:5:”value”;s:2:”NO”;}}s:8:”allorany”;s:3:”all”;}s:8:”order_no”;i:0;}
    When I go to dashboard->post->categories I can display the select box with options but when I select any option and click on update it is updating.

    but when in index.php

    foreach(get_categories() as $category)
    $category_id= $category->cat_ID;
    $field=get_field(‘select_to_display_’,$category_id); //nothing is displaying here
    echo $field[‘value’]; //nothing is displaying here
    if($field[‘value’] == ‘false’)
    echo ‘A value is set’;
    } else

    echo ‘A value is not set’;

    I’m always getting value is not set. I don’t know whether my selected values are saving db or not. I don’t have any meta key or values like wp_acf in database.

    But once you select the dropdown as yes in category page it is saving even after page refresh the value is yes.

    I’m getting confused whether the value is saving to db or not. Please help me.

  • Hi @harini

    Thanks for the detailed description of the issue.

    I believe the the solution is quite simple, and is the fact that you care using the wrong $post_id parameter to load data from a taxonomy term.

    Please read over this article and pay special attention to the post_id param:

    Your post_id param should be

    'category_' . $category_id

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