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"get_field"/"get_fields" but with keys instead of names

  • This is the result I got from $_POST when saving a ACF repeater.

      array(4) {
        array(2) {
          string(6) "ico-04"
          string(3) "333"
        array(2) {
          string(6) "ico-04"
          string(3) "333"
        array(2) {
          string(6) "ico-04"
          string(6) "123123"
        array(2) {
          string(6) "ico-04"
          string(6) "123123"

    Is it possible to produce this with an ACF function?

  • I managed to temporarily solve it by doing this:

    $field_name = get_field_object($field['acf_mirror_field'])['name'];
                    $field_object = get_field_object($field_name, 'option');
                    $values = get_field($field_name, 'option');
                    if( have_rows($field_name) ){
                        echo " this is a repeater";
                        while( have_rows($field_name) ) { the_row();
                            foreach($field_object['value'] as $sub_key => $sub_field){
                                foreach($sub_field as $repeater_key => $repeater_item) {
                                    $subkey_object = get_sub_field_object($repeater_key);
                                    $field_object['value'][$sub_key][$subkey_object['key']] = $field_object['value'][$sub_key][$repeater_key];
    //                                unset($field_object['value'][$sub_key][$repeater_key]);


    array(4) {
      array(4) {
        string(6) "ico-01"
        string(37) "22"
        string(6) "ico-01"
        string(37) "22"
      array(4) {
        string(6) "ico-02"
        string(42) "22"
        string(6) "ico-02"
        string(42) "22"
      array(4) {
        string(6) "ico-03"
        string(31) "22"
        string(6) "ico-03"
        string(31) "22"
      array(4) {
        string(6) "ico-04"
        string(44) "22"
        string(6) "ico-04"
        string(44) "22"

    But it’s very ugly and won’t run for every field type.

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