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Get woocommerce product in front end, using template file

  • How to get woocommerce product in the 4 columns in frontend homepage. I’m using a template file. Can you send me to code how show product in frontside?

    I’m using Field Type: Post Object.

    I have attached screenshot, please check.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi!

    You can find all the documentation, including code examples, for the Post Object field here: ACF Post Object Field

  • Thanks for answering but I need to display woocommerce products in front side.
    see the screenshot.

  • I have already use the Post Object field

  • How to get woocommerce product in the 4 columns in frontend homepage. I’m using a template file. Can you send me to code how show product in frontside?

    I’m using Field Type: Post Object.

    I have attached screenshot, please check.
    Thank you in advance.



    having problem like this .

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