How can I get the post id’s from a selection of post from the field type Relationship?
I am using the relationship field type asking the user to select 3 posts. My out put is displaying this:
array(3) { [0]=> int(5623) [1]=> int(629) [2]=> int(625) }
I want to simply output the id’s comma speparated like this:
5623, 629, 625
I was able to do this with taxonomy terms but I can not figure out how to format the output to display only the id’s comma separated when using the relationship field type.
How are you getting the value of the field to be displayed and how are you displaying it? Can you post your code for this?
I have the relationship field set to use the Post ID.
Here’s my code where I need the variable “$theids” at line 8 to output the post id’s:
$theids = get_field(post_id_one);
$latest_title = get_field(latestposts_title);
if( get_field('show_posts') )
echo '<div class="container"><div class="acsc-outer">
<div class="fancyheader"><span class="acsc-title">' . $latest_title . '</span></div>
</div>' . do_shortcode( '[display-posts include_excerpt="true" id="'.$theids.'"]' ) . '</div>';
will be returned as an array and it’s being converted to a string.
Change the shortcode call to
do_shortcode( '[display-posts include_excerpt="true" id="'.implode(', ', $theids).'"]' )
Thanks John, it’s working. Very much appreciated.