Hi there.
I have several posts.
Every post has a field called: “area_no”.
In this area_no we have a set value for each post.
How can i in a php loop search for a post that has that set value in area_no and input some data into another field in that post called: “available_spots” ?
Let’s say that area_no is “7756” and I then want to update the field “available_spots” in the same post that area_no is “7756”. This is gonna be done on about 40 posts, so I have this in a loop to be able to get the data from the API.
Have not worked that much with ACF in the past, so would be glad if anyone could give a little hand here. Thanks.
Anybody know how I can update a field with a value by searching for meta_data “area_no” ?
You would need to do a WP query to get all the posts with that value, see this https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/query-posts-custom-fields/
loop over the posts and then use update_field() to update a value in another field of that post inside the loop.