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Get image from post based on relationship to current user

  • Hi!
    I’m new at ACF and coding in general.
    I have a post called “Medlemmar” with a relationship field to users called “Kopplat till användarkonto”.
    In the “Medlemmar”-post I have an image field that I want to show dynamically based on the current user that’s logged in.

    How can I achieve this? I’m not afraid to use code if I just know where to put it and how and where to change it.

    When I’m already here, I also want to show other fields from the same post type (Medlemmar) based on the relation to current user, they are text field. For example a field called “Telefonnummer”.

    Thank you in advanced! I will send virtual cookies for the person who helps me.

    Edit: I use Elementor if that helps.

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