We use ACF pro and Calculated fields for ACF and woocommerce.
We set some fields in user profile (field_A , Field_B , field_C) and one field in product page (field_D) in two different group.
Now we want to use value of field_D from specific product in all user profile to make calculation.
for example:
product name= test >>> field_D value = 100
user= john >>> field_A value=10
user=david >>> field_A=20
we want to get field_D value from product test and use this to sum with field_A and save in field_B in all user profile, then the result is:
user= john >>> field_B value=110
user=david >>> field_B=120
* the calculation can make with “Calculated fields for ACF plugin” and our issue is how can get field_D from product test
Thanks for your help