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Get Custom Background Color from gutenberg color editor

  • When I register a new block, I’m able to set up color editor under support:

    'supports'  => array(
    	'color'	=> [
    		'gradients' => false

    I’m able to retrieve a color palette using:

    // returns color name to be used as a class .has-black-background-color

    How do I return a color value when the color picker is being used to select a color? I’ve tried using:

    // Should return a color value like #000000
  • I think what you’re looking for is $block[textColor]; ?

  • No, I’m looking to return a color value when a user uses a custom color (the color picker) and not when the user pick a color from the color palette.

    $block[textColor]; // Returns text color from color palette
    $block[backgroundColor]; // Returns background color from color palette

    I think it’s supposed to be $block[custombackgroundColor]; but this doesn’t seem to work.

  • Block color settings are available via the $block array, but it’s trickier than it seems. First of all, if you’re referencing an array value by key name, the key must be in quotes. E.g.:

    $block[textColor]; // <-- THIS *WON'T* WORK.
    $block['textColor']; // <-- THIS *WILL* WORK.

    The next thing to note is that different $block settings will be returned depending on whether a predefined named color was picked from the palette or a custom color was picked.

    If you pick one of the default palette colors (or if you have set your own palette colors with the add_theme_support('editor-color-palette', array( ... ));, it will return the slug of the color (e.g., blue) instead of a hex-value, and in two separate array keys.

    If you pick custom colors, they will be accessible via $block['style']['color']['background'] and $block['style']['color']['text'].

    If you pick two predefined colors:

    $block Array => (
        [backgroundColor] => bright-purple
        [textColor] => white

    If you pick two custom colors:

    $block Array => (
        [style] => Array (
            [color] => Array (
                [background] => #cccccc
                [text] => #aa0000

    And if you pick one palette color and one custom color:

    $block Array => (
        [textColor] => black
        [style] => Array
                [color] => Array
                        [background] => #cccccc
  • Here’s how I’m handling block color settings:

    This function parses the $block attributes and settings:

     * Get an ACF block's color settings.
     * @param array $block The block settings and attributes.
    function get_block_color_attrs( $block = null ) {
        if ( ! $block ) {
        $block_class = null;
        $block_style = null;
        if ( $block['backgroundColor'] ) {
            $block_class .= ' has-background has-' . $block['backgroundColor'] . '-background-color ';
        if ( $block['textColor'] ) {
            $block_class .= ' has-text-color has-' . $block['textColor'] . '-color ';
        if ( $block['style']['color']['background'] ) {
            $block_class .= ' has-background ';
            $block_style .= 'background-color: ' . $block['style']['color']['background'] . ';';
        if ( $block['style']['color']['text'] ) {
            $block_class .= ' has-text-color ';
            $block_style .= 'color: ' . $block['style']['color']['text'] . ';';
        return array(
            'class' => $block_class,
            'style' => $block_style,

    Then I print that information in the block wrapper element:

    <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $block_color_attrs['class'] ); ?>" style="<?php echo esc_attr( $block_color_attrs['style'] ); ?>">
  • Whoops—I forgot the middle step there. Get the attributes:

    $block_color_attrs = get_block_color_attrs( $block );
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