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Get an ACF User Field for logged in user in the "Default Value" of another Field

  • Hi,

    I am looking to output the content from an ACF user field. For the Current Users “Company Name”.

    I want this to be the default value of an ACF field when they add a new post.

    The output I have is <?php the_field( ‘company_name’, $user_id_prefixed ); ?> but this just brings back this when creating a post and not the field text.

    I need this to display the output in the WordPress backend.

    Is this possible?

  • See acf/prepare_field. Using this filter you can set the default value of a field from the field on the user page.

    add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=your_field_name', 'default_user_company', 20);
    function default_user_company($field) {
      $field['defualt_value'] = get_field('company_name', 'user_'.get_current_user_id());
      return $field;
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