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Get ACF values from an other ACF page fileds

  • Hello
    I was wondering how to get acf values from an other pahe inside a repeater field on my main page.

    Ex :
    Page A = homepage
    Repeater field = dvd_list with sub_field post object (setting on page content)

    Page B = DVD sample
    ACF filed = name

    When I edit my A page, and pick the ‘DVD sample’ inside the repeater filed, I want to show on front page the name of the DVD

    For the moment, I’m here with no success

    <?php if( have_rows('dvd_list') ): ?>
    		    <?php while( have_rows('dvd_list') ): the_row(); 
    		        $dvdItem = get_sub_field('dvd_object');
    		        $dvdName = get_field('dvd_name', $post->ID);
    		        <div><?php echo $dvdName; ?></div>
    		    <?php endwhile; ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    Any help would be great, thanks in advance

  • It sounds like Page A should have posts being listed (dvd_list) and then Page B should be outputting those posts or Post.

    But to get a field from another page check out the answer I received from @Hube2 here

    Essentially the_field('field-name', page-id#);

  • ok thanks for your repply

    Here is what I’ve done and got it worked without any fixed ID

    <?php if( have_rows('dvd_list') ) : ?>
    		    <?php while( have_rows('dvd_list') ): the_row(); 
    		        $dvdItem = get_sub_field('dvd_object');	
    		        if ( $dvdItem) :
    					$dvdName= get_field_object('dvd_name', $dvdItem->ID);
    		        	<div><?php echo $dvdName['value']; ?></div>
    		       	<?php endif; ?>
    		    <?php endwhile; ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>
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