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Gallery width and height attributes?

  • I solved it!

    Hello! I have tried to find a way to add the width and height to the images in a ACF gallery. But it doesn´t call any values of the chosen size medium-height.
    Everything except that works. The Alt text is rendered/ displayed.

    What I´m I missing?
    I missed to define $size.
    $size = ‘medium-height’;

    	$images = get_field('artist_galleri');
    	if( $images ): ?>
    	    <ul class="image-galleri">
    	        <?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
    	           <div id="artist-galleri"> 
    	                <a href="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>">
    	                     <div class="maxh"><img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['medium-height']; ?>" width="<?php echo $image['sizes'][ $size . '-width' ]; ?>" height="<?php echo $image['sizes'][ $size . '-height' ]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" ></div>
    	        <?php endforeach; ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
  • Thanks for posting the solution to your problem. This will probably help others.


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