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Gallery option has disappeared

  • Hello

    I need your help, I’m searching for add a gallery. I check on youtube to see how I can do that with ACF because I didn’t find it.

    All video show the same thing, they use gallery field… but I don’t have this option available.

    Can you explain me how I can add a gallery with ACF? Is the last ACF update delete i?

    The french for Gallery is “Galerie” and as you can show in my photo, it’s not available.

  • I use twenty twenty worpdress theme, is it possible this theme is not comaptible with woocommerce product gallery ?

  • I have same issue: few months ago i setup the website with the gallery, posted content and all was ok.
    today i’m adding a new page, and in the metabox page there’s not the “browse”to add images, and in the ACF setting now the Gallery post type is “unknown”.
    How did you solved?

  • @kiiritolink the gallery field is a feature of ACF Pro or by having the Gallery add on. Do you have either ACF Pro or the Gallery add on?

    I don’t understand your issue, but it is not related to the OPs issue. Please start a new topic and explain in greater detail and maybe someone will be able to help you.

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