I’ve noticed very weird thing – my client put 105 images in gallery field. I’ve tried to get them using ‘get_field’ function. It works but it takes about 4-5 second on client’s server. I’m talking only about execution time of get_field function.
So, here are results from my localhost, gallery field with 105 images:
1) get_field
– 1.0430738925934s
2) get_post_meta
– 0.00030398368835449s
and last one:
$field = get_post_meta(31, 'companyImages');
$output = array();
for($i=0; $i<count($field[0]);$i++) {
$output[] = wp_get_attachment_image_src($field[0][$i], 'medium');
time: 0.12242698669434s
Could anyone explain the diffrence beetwen this times?
Hi @MrShemek
When getting the gallery field’s value, ACF will format it. This means it will load all the image data for each image – resulting in the longer load time.
You should make use of the 3rd parameter for the get_field function which disables the formatting of a value:
get_field('companyImages', false, false)
This will load only the DB value without formatting and will return an array of attachment IDs