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gallery Array

  • I made a Field Group which includes a gallery

    I use the code below in single.php, to show the fields
    everything is ok except the gallery which in front end show Array
    in back end is ok, I can upload pictures
    you have an idea what’s going on?
    Thank you

    the cod

    $fields = get_fields($post->ID);
    if( $fields ): ?>
    <?php foreach( $fields as $name => $value ): ?>
    <li><b><?php echo $name; ?></b> <?php echo $value; ?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    i have support but …

  • A gallery field always returns an array of images/image data. An explanation of this is in the documentation

    A gallery field is one of the more advanced field types. The values of these fields cannot be simply echoed on the page, and they are not really appropriate for use with get_fields() and looping over all the fields that are returned. In such a loop you would need to test for the different fields and do something different with these special fields.

      $fields = get_fields($post->ID);
      if ($fields) {
              foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
                    <b><?php echo $name; ?></b>
                      if ($name == 'THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_GALLERY_FIELD') {
                        // do something special for gallery fields
                      } else {
                        // basic field
                        echo $value;
              } // end foreach fields
      } // end if fields
  • I do not really understand
    besides replacing it THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_GALLERY_FIELD with the name of the gallery field, album, something else to be done?
    I do not understand why it is so complicated
    it does not display any existing or uploaded photos

      $fields = get_fields($post->ID);
      if ($fields) {
              foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
                    <b><?php echo $name; ?></b>
                      if ($name == 'album') {
                        // do something special for gallery fields
                      } else {
                        // basic field
                        echo $value;
              } // end foreach fields
      } // end if fields
  • if in the place of a generic code i uses individual codes of the kind

    <p><strong> Location of copies: </p></strong> <?php the_field( 'location_of_copies', $post->ID ); ?>

    which is the gallery code that work with a field of gellery name album?

  • As I said, the gallery field is one of the more complicated fields.

    Yes, you would replace THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_GALLERY_FIELD with the name of your gallery field and then where it says // do something special for gallery fields you would add code that output the gallery the way you want.

    Did you look at the link I gave you? There are several examples of code for showing a gallery in different ways.

  • i dont know php so is hard 🙂


    // do something special for gallery fields


    $image_ids = get_field('gallery', false, false);
    $shortcode = '[' . 'gallery ids="' . implode(',', $image_ids) . '"]';
    echo do_shortcode( $shortcode );


    $image_ids = get_field('gallery', false, false);
    $shortcode = '[' . 'gallery ids="' . implode(',', $image_ids) . '"]';
    echo do_shortcode( $shortcode );

    in this code do I have to replace something?

  • no idea?
    thank you

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