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Front End Form – input field element output

  • Hi!

    Is it possible to customize the output of input element?

    For example the default input field looks like this:
    <input type="text" id="acf-field_5700d00f68aba" name="acf[field_5700d00f68aba]" value="" placeholder="">

    What if we wanted to add custom attributes? For example, an angular attribute?
    <input ng-model="customVal" class="form-control" type="text" id="acf-field_5700d00f68aba" name="acf[field_5700d00f68aba]" value="" placeholder="">

    You can see I added ng-model=”customVal” and class=”form-control”


  • There aren’t any filters that will let you alter the attributes of a field that I can find in ACF. If you look at the any of the field type classes in the plugin you’ll find an function named render_field and this is where the form fields get output. Currently the only way you could do this would be to create a custom field type… or to alter the plugin, but then you’d need to make the same alterations every time you updated.

  • Thanks,

    That is what I had expected.

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