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Flexible layout with file field creates new pages.

  • Hi,

    We’re having issues with the latest version of ACF 5.5.4 and a flexible field layout containing two file fields.

    When the page containing the fieldgroup with the flexible layout gets updated two additional copies of the page are created as children to the original page.

    I’ve also tested this on a local install with only ACF activated and the bug is replicated.

    ACF version: 5.5.4
    WP version: 4.7.1

  • I’m having the same issue with file and image fields.

    I have a field group assigned for a custom post type and every time I update / publish an existing or new post, I get a duplicate of that post. If I change the image / file field to a text input (text, url, mail etc.) everything works as expected and no duplicate post is created on publish / update.

    ACF 5.5.4
    WP 4.7.1

  • Same issue here.
    For mine, it’s the image field. For each EMPTY image field I have on my post/page, a duplicate page/post is created. If the image field has a file/image uploaded, it doesn’t create a duplicate page/post.
    WP Version 4.7.1
    ACF Version 5.5.4

    I’ve also de-activated all plugins with no change.

  • Same issue here with empty image fields.

    WP 4.7.1
    ACF 5.5.4

  • Hi guys,

    I believe this issue is related to the file field issue in version 5.5.4. But we have a fix in version 5.5.5. Could you please update the plugin and see if it fixes the issue?

    Thanks 🙂

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