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Flexible content revisions

  • I’m having a problem getting revisions to work in the flexible content fields.

    Whenever I make a change within a flexible field the revision count goes up but does not show in the revision history for the plugin.

    I can provide a private link to you @Elliot so that you can see the problem.

  • Hi @fraggy

    Thanks for the bug report. I’ll do some testing and let you know what I find.


  • Have the same issue. Supporting revisions with flexible content would be great. Do you see a chance to find a solution for that?

  • Hi @raabe @fraggy

    Thanks for the bug report. I have just found and fixed the issue.
    The issue was not in the flexible content field, but in the core ACF plugin.

    I have pushed an update to github and will release a full version soon.


  • Hi Elliot,

    Thanks, but I am still finding problems with the flexible content field not saving revisions.

    It saves revisions for the plain textarea field but not the flexible field.

  • Hi @fraggy

    Just to clarify, have you updated your ACF to the latest version on github? The bug is not in the flexible content code it is in the core ACF plugin

  • Hi Elliot,

    Yes I pulled an updated ACF from github. The revisions seem to work on some fields but not all. Pretty random bug, I’ll do a bit more testing to try and get better report.

  • Hi @fraggy and @elliot,

    I have this problem also. The CPT saves as a revision but wont include the Flexible content fields.

    Have you found anything on this yet? None of the fields work.

    – Joacim

  • Hi again @fraggy and @elliot.

    Do anyone of you have an update on this?

    Is it supposed to work?

    – Joacim

  • As far as I can tell this is still an issue. Flexible Content changes seem to be saved in the revision as the handles of the component that was changed, but no information about what was actually changed. Would be great to see a JSON readout of the data saved so that a client could see which revision they changed it in.

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