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Flexible content / Page Builder – incorporate Gutenberg?

  • There’s a site I’ve been asked to work on that was built using ACF Flexible content to control its layouts. They still use the classic editor and have the “disable Gutenberg” plugin installed.

    I need to enable Gutenberg for some pages, and have adjusted the plugin accordingly.

    Editing a new page with the block editor though, gives me the page’s header and footer but won’t show any bocks I add.

    Is there any way to get Gutenberg blocks to show in ACF Flexible Content rows?

    How do I manage working with the two?

  • Is there any way to get Gutenberg blocks to show in ACF Flexible Content rows?


    How do I manage working with the two?

    You don’t.

    Gutenberg blocks and flex fields are pretty much mutually exclusive. Using both of them you could build a custom template to render both, but they would be separate entities, one appearing before the other.

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