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Flexible Content Field inside Clone Field

  • I am trying to access Flexible Content rows inside my Clone field and cant seem to get it to work. I have a Layout with the field name ‘fullscreen_callout’ which has a Clone subfield called ‘fullscreen_callout_clone’. That clone field uses the Group setting. the Fullscreen Callout Clone group has a Radio Button field (which I can access in my template file with no issues) and a Flexible Content field (‘callout_content’), but I cannot seem to access any of the values inside that Flexible Content Field.

    <?php if( get_row_layout() == 'fullscreen_callout' ): 
    include( 'template-parts/content--fullscreen-callout.php' );
    endif; ?>

    The above works correctly and the template-parts/content–fullscreen-callout.php file is loaded into the page.

    Then inside that PHP file I am trying to access the values of the Flexible Content Field with no luck. The subfield ‘background-color’ can be accessed but cannot seem to acess any of the rows inside ‘callout_content’. Is it possible to use Flexible Content field inside a CLone field? Nothing happens inside my if(have_rows(‘callout_content’) conditional?

    <?php $callout = get_sub_field('fullscreen_callout_clone');
    if ($callout) : 
        $color = $callout['background_color'];
        $layouts = $callout['callout_content'];
        if ($layouts) :  ?> 
    <section class="outer fullscreen--cta<?php if ($color == 'gray') : echo ' gray'; endif; ?>">
            <div class="container-fluid">
                 <div class="row">
                     <div class="col-xs-12 pb-0x">
                         <div class="shield"></div>
           <?php if (have_rows('callout_content') :
               while (have_rows('callout_content') : the_row() ?>
                   <?php // Case: CTA Buttons. ?>
                <?php if( get_row_layout() == 'image' ):
                    $image = get_sub_field('image');
                    $caption = get_sub_field('caption'); ?>
                    <div class="container">
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 pt-0x pb-3x">
                                <img src="<?php echo esc_url($image['url']); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr($image['alt']); ?>" />
                <?php endif; ?>
                   <?php endwhile; ?>
               <?php endif; ?>            
    <?php endif ?>
  • The problem is that you use this to get the clone field

    $callout = get_sub_field('fullscreen_callout_clone');

    and then try to use this to get the show the layouts

    if (have_rows('callout_content') :
               while (have_rows('callout_content') : the_row() 

    You either need to deal with both of these using loops or array, you cannot mix them

    // loops
    if (have_rows('fullscreen_callout_clone')) {
      while (have_rows('fullscreen_callout_clone')) {
        $color = get_sub_field('background_color');
        if (have_rows('callout_content')) {
          while (have_rows('callout_content')) {
            //... etc


    // arrays
    $callout = get_sub_field('fullscreen_callout_clone');
    if ($callout) {
      $color = $callout['background_color'];
      $layouts = $callout['callout_content'];
      if ($layouts) {
        foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
          if ($layout['acf_fc_layout'] == 'image') {
            $image = $layout['image'];
            // .. etc
  • Perfect, as always John! Either solution solves my issue.

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