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Flexible content field collapsed with sub title option

  • I am using a flexible field in some sites as a page composer (classic editor using custom shortcode).
    The flexible field has several fields inside and each has the sub fields (text, repeaters etc)

    If you have many flexible field entries inside the post, and they are collapsed, it is impossible to tell which is which and you have to open each one up and see what is inside.

    My feature request would be that you can enable an option that allows a “fixed” name field (text only) that you can enter an identifiable text in so that when collapsed, next to the field name, the sub title you entered shows slightly grey. This is like the functionality that a repeater uses that you can select the field that shows when the repeater row is minimized.

    This fixed name field would not be accessible to acf front end through php calls (like get_field or the_field).

    This means i can collapse all my flexible fields, but still quickly scan and know which one is which.

  • This is already possible using the acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title filter. With this you can create a text field in each layout and use this text field to modify the title of the flex field that is shown.

    You can contact the developers if this is not workable for you.

  • wow, John thanks

    I honestly did not know this existed. amazing and thank you. I will give it a try.

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