I’ve created a lot of field groups and assigned them to appropriate page templates, as per screenshot no1. Most of them are appearing in different page templates, not only in single one.

My problem is to establish fixed order of this field groups in pages. First time I went to front-page and I set proper order by drag and drop and everything was fine (screenshot no2). Then, I moved to next page, let’s say contact and I set proper order for this particular page. When I came back to front page I found order completely messed up. If I set proper order in front page again, then this time contact page fields will become mixed.

I tried option “Order No.” but no effect at all.
I’m kindly asking for some advice. Thanks in advance!
This is what WP does. There are dozens of topic on this forum about it.
You cannot have different orders for different “templates” for the same post type. WP stores the last order used by a specific user for each post type.