So I have discovered that you need to pull in
And reference it within any calls to ACF’s
in order to have a Gutenberg Block template accurately display ACF, as it seems that the ID has been flipped to the Block ID (and I totally get why).
My issue is that I cannot get the Post ID (no way, no how) within the template so that the preview that is displayed within WordPress and Gutenberg is accurate. The functions
global $post;
$post = $post_object;
print 'Post: ' . $post->ID;
Both come up with no values within the preview in WordPress/Gutenberg. It absolutely works when printing out the actual live page, but it doesn’t show anything within the WordPress interface.
Any idea how to grab the Post ID within a Gutenberg Block template so that I can grab some ACF fields? ACF fields populate just fine if I feed it a static Post ID, I just can’t find a way to feed it the current Post ID.
Adding this function will solve the issue (compliments of another poster):
function my_acf_post_id() {
if ( is_admin() && function_exists( 'acf_maybe_get_POST' ) ) :
return intval( acf_maybe_get_POST( 'post_id' ) );
else :
global $post;
return $post->ID;
Function doesn’t work in preview page
This worked great for me, thank you.