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Filtering for post object shows hundreds of (no title) (inherit) results

  • Created a field for Post Object but when i use it in the admin to search or select a post we mostly see empty entries listed.

    These are making it hard to select actual content and not sure what they are.

    I can get the id from the inspector
    <input type=”hidden” class=”select2-search-choice-hidden” name=”acf[field_544cdaaa698bc][]” value=”8730″>
    but they are all blank and not published.

    There are only 14 drafts so its not those. Are they revisions? Can we hide non published posts from these filters?

  • What do you mean by filtering. Are you using the acf/fields/post_object/query hook? I think a little more information is needed. What’s are the settings of the field and what are you doing in the filter?

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