I made a map with google map and acf filtering it with checkbox, and I have a problem on front end. When I click on a country, (malaysia, indonesia,or england for example) it also shows me the markers of another countries. if i click the checkboxes from croatia to france, the markers of spain and france don’t appear, but if i click directly on france or spain, they show up.. I can not see where the problem is coming from .. does anyone have encountered the same kind of problem?
you can check this issue on the home page of this website. You can try clicking on each country to reproduce the bug…
i’d be glad if someone could explain me why it’s not working properly…
Hello i will do it too
dis you use facet ?
Hello, no i don’t. I just use acf (free version).you can use facet with acf map??
i’d be curious to see the result!! : )
On facet you have a Map plugin for free
How did you do filtering ?
i saw, yes, facet seems to be a very great plugin !!and much more simple than using acf with custom filters!