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Filtered posts on map

  • Hello,
    I need to have a front-end map that allows filtering posts by taxonomy.
    Is there an easy way to do that with ACF ?
    Thank you.

  • Hi @adage

    ACF has a field that allows you to choose a location by using Google Map.

    If you want to filter a post (using markers, I believe) by taxonomy on a map, I’m afraid this is more related to Google Map’s feature. In this case, kindly visit with Google Maps community.

    Thanks 🙂

  • Hello,
    I see MapListPro and plugins allow filtering by category. Do I understand that this is not easily achievable with ACF ?
    Thank you.

  • Hi @adage

    Like I said before, ACF is used to add extra information to your post and in this case, a location. Unfortunately, ACF doesn’t have search feature because most users need to customize and create it them self. If you want to search post based on the custom field value, kindly check this page:

    If you only need the map field and think MapListPro or GEO my WP have better features than ACF, I suggest you use them instead as they are designed for such case while ACF is designed for a more general use case.

    I hope this makes sense 🙂

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